4x4 Posi-Lok Digital Assets

4x4 Posi-Lok logos may only be used by authorized distributors and their agencies for the purpose of linking to or promoting 4x4 Posi-Lok and its products. Redistribution or duplication of these images without the express written consent of 4x4 Posi-Lok is strictly prohibited.

Logos must be kept in correct proportion and may not be altered in any way. Changing the logo color, combining a logo with another graphic or logo, or the use of a partial logo is prohibited.

Correct Colors In Addition to Black

These colors are used in specific 4x4 Posi-Lok logos.
Red PANTONE - 185CVU (c0, m91, y76, k0) (r239, g62, b66) #EF3E42

File Types

EPS - Use for hi-resolution printing.
PNG - Use on websites. Background will be transparent.

Logo Downloads

Click the link for the image you want to view full size and full resolution, then right click on the image and "Save Picture (Image) As" to save the image to your local PC/Workstation.